idejna zasnova in končna rešitev

Pri projektu smo sodelovali v vseh fazah, od začetne idejne rešitve do same izvedbe.

Naročniki iz tujine so želeli v stari meščanski stavbi v centru Ljubljane urediti manjše stanovanje namenjeno oddajanju. Pri predaji ključev pa so se v stanovanje tako ”zaljubili”, da ga sedaj uporabljajo sami, kot družinsko gnezdece ob obiskih prestolnice.

Vizitka projekta:

Lokacija: center Ljubljane

Arhitektura: Zeloa

Velikost prostora: 55 m2

Projektiranje/gradnja: 2015/2017


načrt opreme


Zadovoljstvo strank je najboljša motivacija za nadaljne delo
As foreigners, we were looking for a reliable partner that will not only bring innovatives concepts but as well be able to manage the full realization of the project, and we knew that is pretty hard to get. Close local relatives recommended to us Anze and Zeloa. This was a great choice, as Anze is precise, honnest and able to combine the conception but as well to bring the project to the end. And this with a real focus on quality and care for details. We were involved in all the important steps and decisions, and Anze is bringing precious advices with his experience. We warmly recommend!
Mathieu in Emilie Moraillon